Goat Milk & Whey
PINK SUN Goat Milk Powder is 100% simply spray dried whole goat milk, just add water for a fresh goat milk substitute. The cream has not been skimmed or removed, providing high quality whole goat milk. High in fat and protein. Rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin A, B1, B2 and B12. Source of zinc. Preferred by individuals intolerant to cows' milk. Contains milk sugars in the form of LACTOSE. Made in Europe.
PINK SUN Goat Milk Powder is made to human food grade standards and is also safe, suitable and loved by cats and dogs.
PINK SUN Easy Whey Xtra is rich in calcium, potassium and has one of the highest protein contents of any goat & sheep whey available (80+% protein). Easy Whey Xtra is suitable for the whole family, preferred by individuals intolerant of the casein found in cows' milk and has been carefully prepared from pasture fed goat & sheep milk.